The way we go to work is changing. With the wide availability of high-speed internet access, smartphones and laptops, it has become far easier for many employees to simply get to work at home. With remote work policies, not only do employees save time and gas...
Protecting the Rights
of Injury Victims
Year: 2018
Truck Accident Risks: How Truck Drivers and Fellow Motorists Can Stay Safe on the Road
Navigating roadways across our region, state and country can be downright nerve-wracking. Between inclement weather, roadway construction, potholes, distracted drivers and other risks, it is extremely important to drive with the utmost vigilance at all times–but...
Halloween Safety Tips 2018
Halloween is a time to enjoy spooky movies, assist your kids with some door-to-door trick or treating (while sneaking a few of their candies yourself), or celebrating the holiday over drinks with the people you love. Candy, costumes and cocktails can all be...
What You Need to Know Before Filing Your Workplace Accident Report
Whether you work in a cubicle or at a construction site, the unfortunate truth is, workplace accidents happen. Though unexpected and sometimes unavoidable, the fact that they do occur in all workplace environments means that everyone should understand what to do...
How Pre-Existing Conditions Could Affect Your Personal Injury Case
There is a saying that is important to revisit from time to time: “Nobody is perfect.” Though a simple way of highlighting the fallibility of even the best of us, it also works perfectly for something a bit more litigious. As we know, personal injuries are...
Florida’s Right of Way Laws and Rules
Florida’s roadways are unfortunately infamous nationwide. According to an article from the Orlando Sentinel, Florida statistically ranks among the deadliest for pedestrians, showing no signs of slowing anytime soon. With that knowledge, it is always important to think...
State and National Park Safety Tips for Amateur Florida Explorers
Long before the theme parks came to town, Florida was known for its natural beauty. From the famous Everglades to picturesque beaches, there are some truly unique spectacles provided by Mother Nature herself. Though Central Florida may not be home to the likes...
Who is Liable in a Rental Car Accident?
Orlando is not just our home, but a city that many consider the international cradle of tourism. With some of the world’s greatest theme parks, water parks and convention space, thousands upon thousands of people visit Central Florida every year. Though other...
Sunny-Side Up: How to Avoid a Car Accident Caused by Sun Glare
When discussing safe driving, we have often covered the dangers of speeding, driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol, and other common risky and very dangerous habits people may have behind the wheel. Much like these risks, the topic of this post is...
Highway Safety: 5 Rules of the Road You Need to Know
With many of us enjoying the summer months by taking a trip out to the coast or perhaps a much-needed vacation to reset and refresh as we pass into the second half of the year. Unless flying, travel often means hours spent on the highway system, which can mean...