What was supposed to be a pleasant trip to a nail salon for a Florida woman turned into a nightmare of epic proportions. During her pedicure, she was cut by a mishandled pair of scissors. The woman went into shock and nearly died from the resulting infection and went...
Protecting the Rights
of Injury Victims

Month: October 2019
Safety tips for manufacturing work
If you don't have any real job experience, you may find your best opportunities to gain employment and experience in the manufacturing sector. The labor-intensive jobs in many factories tends to lead to a rapid turnover in employees as they move up in position or move...
You have rights when planning a funeral
Planning a funeral for a loved one after a tragic accident is often emotionally challenging. It might also be financially draining. Unfortunately, laying the person to rest is going to be an expensive endeavor. If price is a concern, there are some options that you...
Work comes to a halt on Interstate 4 after another worker dies
A $2 billion overhaul of Interstate 4 (I-4) that began in 2015 came to a screeching halt late last week in Orlando after a worker died on the job. The continuation of the downtown highway project is now up in the air. According to eyewitnesses, a road construction...
Can underride guards on trucks save lives?
If you've seen commercial trucks on the roads of Florida, you've likely seen the underride guards on the rear of these vehicles. They are pieces of metal that hang down from the bottom of the truck to nearly the top of the road. This equipment is required on the rear...
Product liability claims for defective medical devices
Manufacturers and designers of medical devices take many steps to make certain these products are safe for consumers. When your doctor prescribes you such a device, you can be reasonably sure that the product has already undergone many safety tests. However, there are...