Car accidents have costly and fatal consequences. Dealing with the aftermath of a car crash can be tough, especially if you want to go at it alone. The physical injuries are often obvious - broken bones, cuts and bruises. But what about the injuries you can't see?...
Protecting the Rights
of Injury Victims

Month: August 2024
Get the right information about workers’ compensation in Florida
In the immediate aftermath of an on-the-job injury in Florida, injured workers probably all ask themselves the same question: What do I do now? Fortunately, most workers in the state are covered by their employers’ workers’ compensation insurance. So, if they are...
Florida ranks third highest state in pedestrian deaths
A recent study shows that Florida continues to rank high in pedestrian fatalities. This may be due to various factors, such as the state’s large tourism industry or year-round nice weather, which allows residents and tourists to walk, jog or otherwise enjoy the...
How to address trauma after a serious car accident
Your car accident has probably left you with significant physical injuries that are painful and limiting to your mobility. But that’s not the only harm that you’ve suffered. A car accident can take a mental, emotional, and psychological toll on you that is far more...
Be aware of these chest injuries often suffered in car accidents
The harm you suffer in a car accident can be extensive. Yet, a lot of car crash victims minimize their injuries. They oftentimes attribute their pain to bruising and muscle strain when in reality their symptoms may be indicative of something much more severe. To...