Protecting the Rights
of Injury Victims

Thomas DeLattre and Glen D. Wieland

What You Need to Know Before Filing Your Workplace Accident Report

On Behalf of | Oct 19, 2018 | Workers' Compensation |

workplace accident

Whether you work in a cubicle or at a construction site, the unfortunate truth is, workplace accidents happen. Though unexpected and sometimes unavoidable, the fact that they do occur in all workplace environments means that everyone should understand what to do immediately following an accident.

Safety is always the priority. Immediately following an accident, ensure that you are free from danger and report the accident to your employer. Then, seek medical attention even if you do not feel like your injury is “that bad.” It can take hours, even days, for the full extent of an accident to manifest. If possible, document your injury through photos, videos and medical reports–all of which can come in handy if you are forced to prove the extent of your injuries.

Another important step to complete as soon as possible? Reporting your workplace accident. We understand that a workplace injury is not a common occurrence for most people, so you may not know where to begin. Fortunately, we have the information you need to move forward with your report and claim with confidence.

Reporting Your Workplace Accident

  • Immediately report your accident to your employer. That means your direct manager, supervisor or boss. Be sure to put it in writing and a keep a copy for your records.
  • You must report the accident and injury within 30 days from your accident (or from the date your doctor says you are suffering from a workplace injury) to report the injury.
  • Employers are required to have the business’s workers’ compensation insurance carrier information posted in a common area within the workplace. If your employer refuses to report your injury, you can contact them yourself utilizing that information, or call 1-800-342-1741 to report the accident to the State EAO office.
  • If your employer refuses to report the injury and you cannot locate the business’s insurance information, you can request help from the Bureau of Employee Assistance and Ombudsman.
  • When completing your injury report, you may be asked for such details as to how the injury occurred, the place, date and time of the accident, medical treatment received and the extent of your injuries. Do your best to report these facts as truthfully as possible.
  • After submitting your report, do your best to save all medical reports, receipts of injury-related expenses, and copies of all forms and paperwork relating to the accident.
  • Additionally, do your best to journal about the effect your injuries have had on your everyday life and ability to work.
  • Never give a recorded statement to your employer or workers’ compensation insurance carrier without first consulting with an attorney.

From immediately reporting your injury to your employer to keeping detailed notes and records of your injury, these steps could help you receive the claim you deserve after an unfortunate injury. The truth is, the insurance company may try to offer far less than you deserve for injuries that could have a lasting impact spanning months, years, or even a lifetime. Do not settle for less than your losses demand.

If you need guidance or assistance with your claim, contact our workers’ compensation attorneys as soon as possible. We are here to help.

Understanding what workers’ compensation covers, and receiving benefits for lost income can be a complicated issue. You may want to seek help from your attorney. If you have any questions about this topic or any other matters, please call one of the attorneys at Wieland, Hilado & DeLattre at 407-900-0219. For additional resources, keep checking our blog, LIKE us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter at @whdjustice for more helpful hints to always be informed about your rights.



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