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Thomas DeLattre and Glen D. Wieland

How rollover accidents happen

On Behalf of | Aug 16, 2019 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Rollover accidents involving passenger vehicles can be catastrophic. While rollovers only happen in about 3% of all wrecks, they’re involved in about 30% of vehicular fatalities.

That makes it important to understand what you can do to avoid ending up in a rollover yourself.

Vehicle manufacturers like to put the blame on the driver. Many manufacturers downplay the risks of a rollover, claiming that the high profile of the sport utility vehicles (SUVs) and tall trucks that tend to roll over more frequently aren’t really the cause of the problem. Instead, they like to blame the driver of the road conditions. In single-car rollover accidents, manufacturers will usually claim that the majority are caused by “trips,” or some form of a road defect like a pothole or another obstruction in the road.

The government, on the other hand, likes to blame the drivers of the vehicles that roll over for moving too fast around curves or not taking precautions in high winds. That way, government officials can avoid accepting responsibility for lousy road conditions that may play a part in rollover accidents.

Drivers can minimize the risk of rollovers by doing a few things:

  • Recognize if you have a high-profile vehicle that’s top-heavy and more likely to be involved in a rollover and drive carefully.
  • Take curves in the road with caution. Slow down and realize that the sharper the curve, the more your vehicle’s center of gravity tends to shift toward one side (which increases your danger).
  • Watch how your vehicle is loaded. Don’t carry an uneven load in the back of your SUV or truck.
  • Invest in good tires. Better tires grip the road harder and can keep your vehicle stable.

If you’re involved in a rollover accident — whether it’s your own car that rolled or you were struck by a vehicle that rolled over, it’s smart to find out about all your legal options. Your injuries may be extensive and it’s possible that more than one entity can be held responsible for the wreck.


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