Protecting the Rights
of Injury Victims

Thomas DeLattre and Glen D. Wieland

Safety tips for manufacturing work

On Behalf of | Oct 10, 2019 | Workers' Compensation |

If you don’t have any real job experience, you may find your best opportunities to gain employment and experience in the manufacturing sector. The labor-intensive jobs in many factories tends to lead to a rapid turnover in employees as they move up in position or move on to something else.

If you’re new to manufacturing work, take the time to review these safety tips before you start:

1. Know what safety gear you need and use it.

Nearly every manufacturing job requires the use of some kind of safety gear, whether its goggles to protect your eyes or gloves to protect your hands and fingers. Make sure that you are issued the proper safety gear and know how to use it before you set foot on the factory floor.

2. Make sure that you feel sufficiently trained for your job.

Don’t let your trainer or supervisor put you on a job that you aren’t trained to handle. Make sure that you ask questions about safety and that you feel comfortable operating any equipment under your control before you start.

3. Remember that safety is everyone’s responsibility.

Slips and falls are among the most common causes of non-fatal accidents in the workplace. Most of those could be prevented with prompt attention toward spills, broken steps or damaged ladders. If you see a spill on the floor or something that’s a tripping hazard, make sure that it’s cleaned up right away.

When you work around heavy machinery or assembly lines, you should speak up if you see something unsafe or dangerous happening. Let your supervisor know that there’s a hazard on the floor. That’s the best way to protect yourself — and your co-workers — from an unfortunate accident.

If you are injured in a workplace accident, find out more about your right to workers’ compensation and other benefits.


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