Death is our constant companion throughout our journey through life. We all know that we will die one day, but most of us assume it won’t happen until we are old and have enjoyed a full life. In most cases, this is exactly how the average lifespan plays out. As such, we rarely spend our time worrying that we won’t reach our golden years, which is how it should be.
It might surprise you to learn that accidental injury was the third leading cause of death in 2017. We found this statistic by exploring a piece published online by the Insurance Information Institute. Below is a brief breakdown of the Institute’s data regarding accidental personal injuries and deaths in 2017.
- 40,231 accidental deaths occurred due to some type of vehicle accident
- Accidental poisoning or exposure to harmful substances resulted in more than 64,000 deaths
- Nearly 2,500 deaths occurred because of falling on a stairway
- Space and air travel accidents accounted for 385 deaths
- Accidental firearm discharges took the lives of almost 500 Americans
- Exposure to accidents involving fire and/or smoke resulted in 2,812 deaths
- Accidental drowning accounted for 723 fatalities
- Nearly 40 deaths occurred due to dog attacks and/or bites
Our attorneys don’t want any Florida resident to live in fear of death, but at the same time, the statistics are difficult to ignore. We want you to know that if an accidental personal injury robs you of a loved one, you may have legal options at your disposal.
While no amount of compensation can replace your family member, holding the at-fault party accountable can help you heal. Please explore more of our website and our blog to learn how a lawyer can help you cope in the aftermath of accidental injury or a wrongful death.