Protecting the Rights
of Injury Victims

Thomas DeLattre and Glen D. Wieland

How to value injuries after a catastrophic car accident

On Behalf of | Jun 16, 2020 | Personal Injury |

If you’re injured in any type of motor vehicle accident, the first thing you should do is receive medical treatment. Not only does this help stabilize your injuries, but it can also increase the likelihood of making a full (or near full) recovery.

Once you understand your injuries, prognosis and impact on your future, you can turn your attention to holding the negligent driver responsible for your damages.

There is no exact science to valuing injuries after a catastrophic car accident, as it depends on a variety of factors. However, there are details that typically come into play:

  • Insurance: Early on, you’ll file an insurance claim with your agent. However, that’s just the beginning of the process. The type of coverage you have, as well as that carried by the other driver, will go a long way in determining compensation.
  • Liability: If you can clearly prove that the other individual was responsible for the accident, it increases the likelihood of receiving all the compensation you deserve.
  • Injuries and medical expenses: Minor fender benders don’t always result in serious injuries and associated medical expenses, such as for hospital stays and long-term rehabilitation. Conversely, there are times when a motor vehicle accident results in serious injury, such as paralysis or brain damage, which calls for long-term treatment.
  • Your ability to work: If the injuries associated with your accident keep you from working, this will come into play when seeking compensation. Since you can’t earn a living in the future, you must consider how you’ll provide for yourself and family.
  • Property damage: Your injuries are top priority, but at some point you should consider the damage to your vehicle. It will cost you to repair or replace it, so you should seek compensation accordingly.

With these details in mind, you should have a better understanding of how to value injuries after a catastrophic car accident.

There’s a lot of gray area, as no two accidents are the same. Add in the fact that the other party is likely to fight your claims, and you’re faced with a challenging situation. Even so, it’s a must that you protect your legal rights and finances.

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