Protecting the Rights
of Injury Victims

Thomas DeLattre and Glen D. Wieland

Negotiating with auto insurers

On Behalf of | Jun 9, 2022 | Auto Accident, Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Car accident victims in Florida may find themselves dealing with serious injuries and the resulting medical costs. Auto insurance, both liability and uninsured motorist coverage, could provide the monetary settlement capable of covering most or all financial losses, including missed wages. However, dealing with an insurance company could be more challenging than an accident victim realizes.

Insurance claims and experience

A driver could go many years without ever getting into an accident. Therefore, the driver might be dealing with an insurance company for the first time. On the other hand, insurance companies deal with claimants all the time. Insurance adjusters and other company representatives may bring significant experience to negotiations.

Compiling as much evidence as possible could help with settlement negotiations. Evidence may include medical records, police reports, vehicle repair estimates, and accident scene photographs. While essential, evidence alone may not carry the day during insurance settlement negotiations.

Insurance companies and the settlement negotiation process

Insurance companies may challenge costs and amounts sought in a personal injury claim. The insurance company might not engage in outright deliberate bad faith, but the company could try to save as much money as it can. One way to possibly do this involves offering a low settlement amount. Ultimately, negotiations involve the parties going back and forth, trying to reach an agreement.

Property damage claims might come with controversies. Other issues may arise, such as the insurance company invoking the betterment agreement to charge for a repair that increases a car’s value. Questions about whether a car suffered a total loss may arise as well.

Negotiating with an insurance company might be a job best left to professionals. Appointing a representative to handle negotiations could be in an accident victim’s best interests.


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