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of Injury Victims

Thomas DeLattre and Glen D. Wieland

The basics of motorcycle accidents and injuries

On Behalf of | Jul 21, 2022 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

Motorcycle accidents have increased in Florida as more and more people are hitting the road on two wheels. Unfortunately, motorcycle riders tend to suffer different injuries from car occupants, making it very important for them to take extra caution.

Common motorcycle injuries

If you’re a motorcycle rider in Florida, one of the most common injuries that you can suffer is a road rash. This occurs when you’re thrown from the motorcycle and slide along the pavement. Road rash can be very painful and cause permanent scarring.

Another common motorcycle injury is a broken bone. Motorcycle riders are more likely to break bones in an accident than car occupants because they don’t have the same level of protection.

Brain injuries are also common in motorcycle accidents because motorcycle riders are more likely to get thrown from their bikes and hit their heads on the pavement or another object.

Lastly, motorcycle riders can also suffer from internal injuries in an accident. These are usually caused by the impact of the motorcycle on the rider’s body.

Motorcyclists are more likely to be injured in an accident

A motorcycle is less visible to drivers than any other type of motorized vehicle is, which makes them more likely to get hit by a car that doesn’t see them.

Also, motorcycle riders don’t have the same protection from the elements that people in cars do. Cars have seat belts, airbags, and other safety features that help protect occupants in the event of an accident. Motorcycles don’t have these same features.

If you or someone you know has been injured in a motorcycle accident, consider seeking medical attention – even if the injuries seem minor. Some people who are looking to be compensated for any damages incurred during the accident may contact their insurance companies. In addition, it may be possible to file a lawsuit against the driver who hit you if they were at fault for the accident.


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