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Thomas DeLattre and Glen D. Wieland

How is fatigued driving like impaired driving?

On Behalf of | Sep 1, 2022 | Auto Accident, Motor Vehicle Accidents |

There are many factors that can cause car accidents in Florida. One of them is fatigued driving, which has been likened to impaired driving. There are various reasons for this comparison.

How fatigue affects driving

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around one out of every 25 drivers have admitted to falling asleep behind the wheel or driving when they lacked adequate sleep. This is a dangerous practice that could put many people at risk of a serious car accident. Fatigued driving is compared to driving under the influence because of the way it affects a person’s ability to safely control their vehicle.

When a driver is fatigued, their reaction time, awareness and judgment are all compromised. Their focus is significantly impaired to the point where they might not even be able to brake in time upon regaining alertness. Fatigued driving is comparable to a driver with a blood alcohol concentration of around .08.

How fatigued driving causes accidents

Fatigued driving creates serious risks to the affected driver, their passengers and everyone else sharing the road. Pedestrians who are in the area are also put at risk. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, over 80,000 crashes occurred over a five-year period as a result of fatigued drivers. Out of those car accidents, around 37,000 people suffered injuries and close to 900 were killed.

Signs of fatigued driving

If you’re driving and notice yourself continuously yawning or rubbing your eyes, you’re probably fatigued. Other common warning signs of fatigued driving include nodding off, veering out of your lane and having trouble maintaining your speed. Taking a break and getting coffee could help you stay awake.

Getting plenty of sleep can prevent fatigued driving. If you’re overly tired, it’s best to find a ride if you need to go somewhere.


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