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Thomas DeLattre and Glen D. Wieland

Florida ranks third highest state in pedestrian deaths

On Behalf of | Aug 12, 2024 | Pedestrian Accident |

A recent study shows that Florida continues to rank high in pedestrian fatalities. This may be due to various factors, such as the state’s large tourism industry or year-round nice weather, which allows residents and tourists to walk, jog or otherwise enjoy the outdoors. However, the high number of pedestrian accidents may also be related to the behavior of Florida drivers.

Speeding and its role in pedestrian accidents

According to the study performed by Altumint, pedestrian deaths are more prevalent in urban counties than they are in rural areas. Additionally, speeding is a major cause of pedestrian accidents and deaths.

In fact, many Florida residents openly admit to speeding while driving. This is significant, since the study revealed that driving even 10 mph over the speed limit doubles the risk of an accident.

If you are the pedestrian, you stand a much higher chance of being seriously injured or killed due to your vulnerability against a motor vehicle or large truck.

Even if you do not spend a lot of time outside for recreation, at some point almost everyone is a pedestrian. A short walk up the block to talk to a neighbor could result in an accident.

Staying safe as a pedestrian

There are many ways you can reduce your risk of an accident as a pedestrian. Use sidewalks whenever they are available. They are there for a reason.

When sidewalks aren’t an option, face oncoming traffic, and keep as far from it as you can. Always follow the rules of the road and use crosswalks. Jaywalking is not only illegal, but it also greatly increases the risk of an accident.

There are times you need to cross a street and a crosswalk is unavailable. Find the safest looking place to cross, such as a place that is well-lit and gives you the clearest view of traffic. Do not rush. Wait until you are certain you can cross safely, even if it means waiting a minute or two for traffic to clear.

Be careful when you are walking past driveways or alleyways. Cars may back up without seeing you, especially if you are in their blind spot. Slow down and ensure there are no vehicles ready to back up.

If there are, do not assume they see you and will stop. It is usually best to let them back out before crossing.

Drivers and their duty to drive safely

The responsibility is not only with you. Drivers of motor vehicles have a legal duty to drive safely and follow traffic laws.

Drivers should not speed and should be looking out for pedestrians. This is particularly true in a state like Florida, where pedestrian traffic is heavy in many places.

Drivers should slow down and yield to pedestrians in crosswalks, giving enough room for other vehicles to see the pedestrians. This does not always happen, which is why it is important to be extra vigilant when using crosswalks when you are a pedestrian.

Know what to do after a pedestrian accident

When you are injured in a pedestrian accident, it is natural to feel scared and overwhelmed. Focus on staying safe and treating your injuries.

After that, you may want to explore your legal right to compensation if you believe a driver’s negligence caused your accident. There are many forms of negligence, such as distracted driving, drunk driving and speeding.

Your financial recovery from a negligence lawsuit can include payment for medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering from the accident.


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