Car accidents have costly and fatal consequences. Dealing with the aftermath of a car crash can be tough, especially if you want to go at it alone. The physical injuries are often obvious – broken bones, cuts and bruises. But what about the injuries you can’t see?
Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are a common consequence of car accidents, and they can be just as debilitating as any physical wound. If you’ve been in a car accident, it’s essential to know the warning signs of a TBI to prevent any further injuries.
What are the signs of a TBI?
TBI is a type of injury that may lead to more severe complications if symptoms are left unaddressed. These signs can manifest as physical or behavioral symptoms and may also impact a person’s perception.
- Physical symptoms: TBI patients may experience nausea, seizures, headaches and blurred vision. They may also have clear fluids coming out from their nose or ears. Some may even develop neurological conditions, such as loss of balance and weakness of limbs or face.
- Behavioral or cognitive symptoms: Those who sustained this injury may pass out for a few seconds or even for a few hours. Some demonstrate a decreased level of consciousness, making it difficult to wake them when they are asleep. They may also feel confused and have trouble remembering. Irritability and frustration are also common signs of a TBI.
- Perception or sensation symptoms: Patients with TBI may feel dizzy or light-headed and easily lose their balance when moving around. They may also develop hearing problems and sensitivity to sound and light. Drowsiness, fatigue and a lack of energy or motivation are also symptoms to watch out for.
After an accident, it is crucial to monitor yourself and your passengers and look out for these indicators. This injury requires the attention of a health care professional who can judge motor and sensory skills and test hearing and speech.
Seeking guidance on your road to recovery
It is important to seek help if you’re struggling with the symptoms of an injury. Consult a doctor immediately to get an accurate diagnosis and start treatment. If you’re considering legal action to seek compensation for your injuries, consider talking to an experienced personal injury attorney to help you through the process.