Car accidents can result in thousands of injuries and fatalities each year. Understanding what causes these accidents and taking preventative measures can help reduce the risks. Here are a few common causes of car accidents.
Distracted driving
If you are not paying attention to the road in front of you, you could be engaged in distracted driving. Common distracted driving behaviors include texting, eating, talking on the phone, and reading.
Drivers are legally required to operate their vehicles at a reasonable rate of speed for conditions and adhere to posted speed limits. It is important to remember that you can be driving too fast for conditions even if you are not exceeding the speed limit.
Impaired driving
Drivers under the influence of drugs or alcohol may have delayed reaction times, poor motor skills, and poor judgment, and therefore may be more likely to have an accident.
Driver fatigue
Drowsy driving can be just as dangerous as driving while impaired. Drivers who spend long hours on the road or did not get enough sleep the night before driving may experience slower reaction times or fall asleep behind the wheel.
Traffic violations
Many traffic accidents are caused by drivers who fail to follow traffic laws. Drivers may cause accidents by failing to stop at a stop sign or red light, failing to yield the right-of-way, or following too closely.
How to avoid car accidents
To avoid car accidents caused by the above causes, drivers must do whatever they can to make sure to obey all traffic laws and only operate their vehicles when they are fully able to focus on the road. Taking breaks on long trips, driving defensively, driving cautiously in adverse weather, and only getting behind the wheel when you are fully sober and awake can help prevent accidents from occurring.