The harm you suffer in a car accident can be extensive. Yet, a lot of car crash victims minimize their injuries. They oftentimes attribute their pain to bruising and muscle strain when in reality their symptoms may be indicative of something much more severe.
To ensure that you catch these serious medical conditions, you should seek immediate medical care. When you meet with your doctor, be honest about your pain and any other symptoms that you may be experiencing. If you downplay your injuries, then they might go undiagnosed, which could put you at risk of worsening symptoms and a poorer prognosis.
This is especially worrisome when you’re experiencing chest pain. You don’t want to make the mistake of writing this pain off as something less severe, as it could be indicative of a serious medical condition.
So, let’s look at some of the chest injuries that you might suffer in a car accident so that you know what’s at stake in your recovery and why it’s so important to be diligent about seeking medical attention.
Common chest injuries suffered in car accidents
There are a lot of chest-related injuries that can be suffered in a car accident. This includes the following:
- A fractured sternum: The sternum, sometimes referred to as the breastbone, connects to your ribs and your collar bone in the front of your body. When that bone is fractured, you might experience chest pain when breathing, sneezing, or coughing, and you’ll likely see extensive bruising on your chest in the days after your accident. But don’t make the mistake of thinking that the bruising is nothing more than that, as you may need medical treatment to properly care for your fractured sternum.
- A punctured or collapsed lung: The force of your collision could cause you to ram into an air bag, a seatbelt, or a steering wheel resulting in damage to your lung tissue. When air or fluid fills the spaces between your lung tissue, you can have trouble breathing, experience shortness of breath, develop fatigue, suffer the onset of a fever, and see a blue tinge on your fingertips. You’ll probably need medical treatment to adequately care for a punctured or collapsed lung.
- Broken ribs: Your ribs are fragile bones. The impact of your collision can easily bruise them or lead to a fracture or clean break. This can result in significant pain and mobility limitations.
- Internal organ damage or bleeding: given the amount of force exerted on your body during a car accident, your internal organs can be damaged in a crash. You can also experience internal bleeding. If these issues aren’t quickly addressed through proper medical treatment, then your condition could turn fatal.
Given the seriousness of these conditions, you need to be aware of your symptoms after a serious car accident. If your body is telling you that something is off, listen to it and follow up with your doctor. And if your doctor recommends follow up testing or care, make sure you adhere those recommendations.
Fight to recoup the compensation you deserve after a car accident
The ramifications your accident can have on your life are significant. And if you don’t take care of yourself, then you could end up facing a longer road to recovery than you initially anticipated.
A personal injury case might help you get where you want to be in securing stability and an appropriate recovery, so be sure to think through whether taking legal action is right for you and, if so, the best way to pursue your legal claim.