Though characters such as Superman and Captain America may be relegated to comic books and the silver screen, we do have real-life superheroes amongst us in the form of first responders and law enforcement officers. Assisting during medical emergencies, freak...
Protecting the Rights
of Injury Victims

Month: January 2017
Pedestrian Safety in America’s Most Dangerous State for Walkers
Walking–it is an easy, often pleasant way to decrease stress, burn a few calories and get some much-needed fresh air after a stifling day in the office. Even for those of us with disabilities or aging out of vigorous aerobic exercises, walking can help many stay...
911 Operator Negligence
Can a negligence claim be successfully brought against a 911 operator? The answer is “yes,” however, it needs to be obvious that a special relationship existed between the plaintiff and the 911 operator. In a Florida case from 1990, the court found that a special...
Injured on the Job: What if I’m Denied Workers’ Compensation Benefits?
Mr. Wieland and Mr. Hilado handle workers’ compensation claims based on injuries caused in places of work. Oftentimes, these injuries occur because of an unsafe workplace, the negligence of a co-worker or the negligence of a third party. Florida workers’ compensation...