Florida will soon recognize Brake Safety Week. This event is sponsored by the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA). It is scheduled to take place between August 20th and 26th. The event's purpose will be one that many experts believe is long overdue. This will...
Protecting the Rights
of Injury Victims
Month: June 2023
Bicycle accidents that result in death are increasing
Bicycle accidents are more common than they should be in the state of Florida. Cycling accidents can be deadly or lead to serious lifelong disabilities and ailments. These kinds of accidents have been happening more frequently in the United States, and negligence may...
Rear-facing is safer than you think
Driving with your child in Florida can pose many risks. You want to do all that you can to keep your child safe. One of the best ways to do so is to place them in a rear-facing car seat. While many people think this is unsafe, the truth is otherwise. Recent studies...
Common fractures sustained in car crashes
Car crashes often result in various types of injuries, with fractures being the most common. The high-impact forces involved in vehicle collisions can cause significant trauma to the body, leading to fractures in different bones. As a Florida motorist, understanding...
Age and abilities can impact injury risk in the workplace
Florida workplaces are changing. Older people who might have retired are staying on the job. This combines with greater life expectancy to impact how employers need to prepare. A primary concern is worker safety and injuries that might occur. Worker demographics can...