Bicycling throughout the Orlando area should be safe. Yet, despite the city and state having implemented a number of safety initiatives to keep bicyclists safe, these individuals are injured and killed in wrecks far too often. In fact, more than 1,100 people were...
Protecting the Rights
of Injury Victims

Bicycle Safety
Florida leads nation in bicycle accidents
Florida’s year-round nice weather means it is a popular state for alternative methods of transportation such as bicycling. Many residents and tourists also enjoy bicycling as a hobby or way to see Florida’s beautiful scenery while getting some exercise. Unfortunately,...
What to Do If You’re in a Bicycle Accident: A Step-by-Step Guide
Central Florida can be a great place to bike. The weather is usually nice, and there’s a lot to see that you simply can’t enjoy if you’re riding in a car. That’s why many people turn to their bicycles for recreation and to get to work. But it’s not all fun and games...
Bicycle accidents that result in death are increasing
Bicycle accidents are more common than they should be in the state of Florida. Cycling accidents can be deadly or lead to serious lifelong disabilities and ailments. These kinds of accidents have been happening more frequently in the United States, and negligence may...
What are common reasons for bicycle accidents?
Bicyclists in Florida enjoy their roadside pursuits for both health and function. Biking supports cardio conditioning and provides an enjoyable way to commute. Health-conscious bicyclists need to be aware of vehicles, pedestrians and other biking fans, though. A...
Tourists can pose a big risk to cyclists on Orlando’s roads
Tourism is one of the biggest sources of revenue in the state of Florida. Orlando, in particular, sees a huge influx of visitors from around the country and all over the world thanks to the proximity of popular attractions. Unfortunately, all of that tourist traffic...
Know the laws for Florida cyclists
Riding a bike provides great cardiac exercise, but you should always protect yourself by following traffic laws when on the road. Like many states, Florida has some laws that apply specifically to cyclists. Review these safety regulations before your next trip on two...
Do you commute on your bicycle? Follow these safety tips
Commuting to and from work on your bicycle is a good idea for many reasons. You get to spend time outdoors, you're able to avoid traffic jams, you can save money, it's beneficial to the environment and it's good for your health and wellness. Getting into an accident...
Bicycle Helmet Safety Tips
In Florida, we all look forward to the change of temperature, no matter how small or brief the break from heat and humidity may be. When the weather cools, many take the opportunity to enjoy the outdoors by riding bikes, hosting cookouts, walking and running or just...