Florida is home to some of the world most famous and popular theme parks, and millions of tourists visit the Sunshine State each year to enjoy vacations featuring thrilling rides and close encounters with wild animals. The vast majority of the people who visit theme...
Protecting the Rights
of Injury Victims

Month: January 2021
Should you replace your child’s car seat after a crash?
For responsible parents like you, always placing your child in a height- and weight-appropriate car seat is non-negotiable. After all, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, car seats reduce accident fatality rates by as much as 71% for children under the...
Proposed bill would mandate drunk driving technology in cars
Car dealer showrooms in Florida and around the country could soon feature technology designed to prevent drunk driving. If passed and signed into law, the Abbas Stop Drunk Driving Act will require carmakers to include Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety...
How can you prove that a product was defective?
If you've been injured by a defective product in Florida, you have the right to pursue a lawsuit against the manufacturer. However, you'll have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you were harmed by the product in question. With some products, the defects are...