The consequences can be devastating when a dog’s teeth sink into human flesh. What are the legal implications when the dog's owner is a tenant, and the landlord is seemingly unaware of the potential threat? Can you hold the landlord accountable for the injury you...
Protecting the Rights
of Injury Victims
Dog Bite Liability
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What happens if a dog bites a jogger?
Going out for a morning jog might be the ideal way to start the day for many Florida residents. Some people prefer to walk their dogs in the morning. Unfortunately, someone may run past a dog and right into a terrible situation. A dog bite incident might occur,...
Dog bite: Who’s responsible?
Man's best friend can sometimes be our worst enemy, especially when they are confronted with a person they've never seen before. Unfortunately, it is those exact instances that tend to lead a person in Florida to be bitten by a dog. But if a person is bitten within...