If you have spent any time online when the topic of bad driving pops up, quickly someone will mention the notion of the “bad Florida driver.” This is a common stereotype often joked about, but when it comes to road safety, separating fact from fiction is imperative....
Protecting the Rights
of Injury Victims

Month: March 2024
New state laws harm truck accident victims
Truck accidents are a major problem in Florida, which has one of the highest rates of truck accidents in the nation. Anyone who has been involved in an accident with a truck in Florida knows the major toll it can take on many aspects of their life. Minor injuries are...
Two men injured, one teen killed in Orange County crash
Traffic accidents can sometimes be difficult to comprehend. They often happen with blinding speed, and even eye-witnesses cannot provide accurate accounts of exactly what happened. A recent accident in Orange County, near Mile Marker 9 on Route S.R. 417 provides a...
How to take effective accident scene photographs
The expression “a picture is worth a thousand words” may be a cliché, but it’s certainly true in the context of a car accident personal injury lawsuit. When you take your case to a jury, you want to paint a picture of your accident and your injuries so that you fully...
Florida leads nation in bicycle accidents
Florida’s year-round nice weather means it is a popular state for alternative methods of transportation such as bicycling. Many residents and tourists also enjoy bicycling as a hobby or way to see Florida’s beautiful scenery while getting some exercise. Unfortunately,...