Maybe your husband already had a motorcycle when you first met him, and part of the reason you fell in love with him was his sense of adventure. Perhaps getting a motorcycle was a way for your husband to celebrate a promotion at work or achieving other major...
Protecting the Rights
of Injury Victims

Month: May 2020
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Three tips for documenting an auto accident in Florida
With millions of Florida residents sharing the roads, even the most careful driver may find themselves in an accident. From distracted motorists or unexpected road hazards to reckless or impaired individuals, too much can go wrong, and a mistake that takes a...
Road deaths rise during “100 Deadliest Days”
When Florida schools let out each summer, the state sees an influx of teen drivers taking to the roadways, and this presents new dangers to everyone traveling them. The summer months when most teens are home have become so dangerous and deadly for driving that they...