Halloween is a time to enjoy spooky movies, assist your kids with some door-to-door trick or treating (while sneaking a few of their candies yourself), or celebrating the holiday over drinks with the people you love. Candy, costumes and cocktails can all be good fun, but without keeping safety in mind, your Halloween activities can get scary for all of the wrong reasons.
To keep you and yours safe, we have put together some of the top Halloween safety tips to consider, whether enjoying a Halloween party or trick or treating with your kids.
Halloween Safety Tips to Keep Your Plans More Treat Than Trick
- Best Before Dark: Trick or treating is a tradition many parents love sharing with their kids, and one often done once the sun has gone down. Unfortunately, trick or treating after dark, especially without parental supervision, presents some major risks for your children. Ensure that your kids always use caution near roadways, wear reflective tape and/or use glowsticks and flashlights if out after dark. However, we highly recommend parents supervise their trick or treaters (especially if young) and get them back inside before sundown.
- Stranger Danger: Warn your children to not wander too far from home, always stay with a group of friends (and parent chaperone), and never enter a stranger’s car or home.
- Designate a Driver: Some adults enjoy celebrating Halloween with a party. Though spending time eating, drinking and being merry with loved ones is certainly a great idea for a fun Halloween plan, never drink and drive or allow your friends to do the same. It is easy to indulge more than intended during holiday festivities, so you should always have a designated sober driver or plan to Uber before even arriving at the party. If you are hosting the party, ensure all guests have a safe ride home or can spend the night instead of risking injury, jail time and worse.
- Drive Carefully: Though safe, attentive driving is a must any day of the year, it is especially important on Halloween due to the increased pedestrian traffic, much of which will be children, who may not know to look before crossing roads. Stay off your phone, keep your eyes on the road and drive extremely carefully, especially in residential areas.
Checking Candy: A major concern that steals headlines every Halloween is candy safety. Cases of tainted candy are extremely rare, but of course, it is wise to err on the side of safety when it comes to your children. Always inspect candy, ensuring that it is still in its original wrapper, and does not have pinholes or look otherwise tainted. As a rule of thumb, do not allow your children to consume homemade goods unless you personally know the neighbor who provided them.
Halloween safety tips such as those above are important to remember while enjoying the spooky, seasonal festivities. Always remember to keep an eye on your little trick or treaters, inspect your kids’ candy, never drink and drive after a Halloween party and drive with caution in residential areas. If you or your loved ones are unfortunately injured this Halloween, do not hesitate to contact our personal injury lawyers immediately. Be safe, have fun and have a very Happy Halloween.
For more Halloween safety tips, visit the National Safety Council.