Protecting the Rights
of Injury Victims

Thomas DeLattre and Glen D. Wieland

Defects in warnings can lead to serious consumer harm

On Behalf of | Nov 5, 2019 | Product Liability |

All products that are sold to the public have to have specific information on them. You have to ensure that you read these thoroughly because they will tell you about the specific instructions for the product. When these instructions aren’t clear, you might end up suffering an injury that could have been prevented if the instructions were handled appropriately.

There are two primary things have must be included in the instructions. One of these is the steps and other information that is needed to avoid self-harm. These must teach a new user how to use the product in a safe manner for the tasks intended.

The second thing that must occur is that it must note any hidden dangers associated with the product. These must be specific and clear. They have to be in a location that is easily seen. Typically, these warnings have vibrant colors and might contain large block letters.

The instructions and warnings don’t have to be in a universal location. They can occur on the product itself, the packaging or an instruction manual or sheet that comes with it. Sometimes, these are found in more than one location.

Victims who are harmed when they use products should receive medical care for the injuries. This provides concrete information about what the person is dealing with. I can tie the injuries to the accident, which is also useful in these cases. Once the connection is established, you can determine what you are going to do. You have the option of seeking compensation from the manufacturer regarding the lack of proper warnings.

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