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of Injury Victims

Thomas DeLattre and Glen D. Wieland

Why do slip-and fall-accidents happen indoors?

On Behalf of | Apr 28, 2020 | Slip And Fall |

From retail stores to grocery stores to office buildings, you may not realize that you’re always at risk of a slip-and-fall accident. Worse yet, even if you attempt to protect yourself against this type of trouble, you could still suffer a serious injury.

Here are some of the most common causes of indoor slip-and-fall accidents: 

  • Faulty stairs: This includes everything from a missing step to a loose handrail. If you’re caught off guard by something like this, there’s a greater chance of an accident.
  • Jerking elevator or escalator: Both elevators and escalators are designed to work smoothly. And that’s what you’ve come to expect. So, if it jerks for any reason, it could easily knock you off your feet.
  • Debris: You should expect to come across debris on the floor every now and again. This can include items such as paper, soda cans and miscellaneous items, such as food packaging and apparel. Any type of debris could cause you to slip and fall.
  • Wet floors: There are many reasons why floors become wet, such as a recent cleaning or rain that’s tracked in from others. If the building owner is aware of a slick spot, such as the result of a recent cleaning, they should close off the area or warn you with signs.
  • Too much floor polish: Commercial buildings get a lot of foot traffic, so floors require extra maintenance. However, if too much floor polish is used, it increases the risk of a slip and fall. Adding to this potential concern is the fact that you can’t see the polish. It goes on clear and stays that way.

These are just a few of the most common causes of indoor slip-and-fall accidents. At the very least, this knowledge should help you prevent trouble at times.

Should you suffer an injury in a slip-and-fall accident, assess your situation, call for help and collect evidence, such as by taking photos of the scene.

The steps that you take immediately after the incident can help you seek compensation from the negligent party, such as the building owner.


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