Protecting the Rights
of Injury Victims

Thomas DeLattre and Glen D. Wieland

How do I find a good car accident attorney in Orlando?

On Behalf of | Aug 25, 2023 | Personal Injury |

A car accident is usually a traumatic experience that can take you months or even years to get over. If your injuries are serious, you may face a long healing and recovery process and be forced to miss work or lose your career altogether.

Additionally, car accident injuries are not always physical. While you might have previously enjoyed driving, perhaps you are now afraid to drive ever again. This can have a major impact on many areas of your life, including employment and relationships.

The aftermath of an accident

Is it important to know what to do after a car accident. Your main priority at the accident scene should be treating any injuries and seeking medical attention for anyone who needs it.

The police should be called to the accident scene. Be careful about what you say to the police. If you believe the accident was not your fault, things that you say could be used against you.

Request a copy of the police report. Take pictures of the accident scene, including pictures of your physical injuries and any damage to your vehicle.

Get the names, driver’s license and insurance information of anyone else involved in the accident.

Knowing your legal rights

Once you have treated your injuries and are in stable condition, you probably have questions about your rights as an accident victim.

You can file a personal injury action based on negligence if you believe the other driver’s actions caused the accident. A successful negligence claim could provide you with compensation for your damages, which potentially include your medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering.

However, proving negligence is challenging. You must show that the other driver failed in their legal duty to drive safely, and that failure caused your accident. You must also prove the amount of your damages through evidence such as witnesses or documents to back up the number of damages you claim.

Proving your case becomes more difficult if the other driver claims you are at fault. Therefore, having trusted and experienced legal representation is necessary in a personal injury case.

Finding a car accident attorney

You can find a good car accident attorney in Orlando through research. You can do this through asking your family and friends for referrals, contacting your local bar association or doing online research.

Attorneys who represent accident victims should empathize with your situation and understand what you are going through. Your attorney should be someone you can trust and who is committed to protecting your rights.

An accident attorney with many years of experience can evaluate your situation, answer your questions and offer you accurate and informative advice on what to expect.

Additionally, an accident attorney should be extremely familiar with how to prove a case through the discovery process. This involves sharing evidence with the other side.

The time after an accident is often stressful and you have many different things to think about. Your attorney should provide you with reassurance that they have everything under control and are working in your best interests.


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