Protecting the Rights
of Injury Victims

Thomas DeLattre and Glen D. Wieland

Top tips for coping with a traumatic brain injury

On Behalf of | Feb 20, 2024 | Traumatic Brain Injury |

The injuries suffered in a serious car accident can be severe, long-lasting, and devastating to the life you once knew. Those who suffer spinal cord injuries, for example, can be permanently paralyzed, rendering them unable to engage in the life activities that they once loved and requiring them to undergo extensive medical and rehabilitative treatment. These physical, emotional, and financial losses can be crushing.

Those who suffer traumatic brain injuries often find themselves in a similar position. These victims can suffer cognitive losses and changes to their personality, impacting everything from their concentration, memory, and mood. They can also develop chronic headaches and other physical complications. This can make it difficult to cope with newfound realities.

So, if you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury after an accident, what can be done to alleviate and cope with the resulting symptoms?

How to cope with a traumatic brain injury

Although there isn’t anything that can be done to completely sweep away the symptoms of a traumatic brain injury, there are steps that can be taken to dampen their impact. This includes:

  • Giving yourself a break: It can be incredibly frustrating to deal with your newfound limitations. It’s understandable to be angry at your situation, but you should try to go easy on yourself as you work through your recovery. Set realistic goals that you can reach so that you can gain momentum in your recovery.
  • Talking to someone: You’re going to experience a wide spectrum of emotions during your accident recovery. Those feeling can be hard to cope with on your own. By talking to a mental health professional, you can find an outlet for your emotions. One of these professionals can also help you learn relaxation techniques to center you when times get tough.
  • Practicing organization: Many traumatic brain injury victims struggle with memory loss. Forgetting important events and everyday activities can lead to frustration and anger, which can stymie your recovery. Therefore, you’ll want to find an organization system that works for you. You might want to keep a white board calendar that serves as a strong visual reminder of what you have coming up in the days and weeks ahead, and you may need to label certain items in your household so that you can remember how they work and how to use them. Making to-do lists can be helpful, too.
  • Staying healthy: Coping with the stress of a traumatic brain injury is tough. As a result, you might be tempted to turn to unhealth coping mechanisms, such as excessive alcohol use, drug abuse, or poor eating. To focus on your recovery as much as possible, though, refrain from these activities. Instead, try to engage in healthy habits, such as getting plenty of rest, exercising, and eating healthily.
  • Identifying and minimizing exposure to triggers: Many traumatic brain injury sufferers also experience post-traumatic stress disorder. As a result, these victims can experience flashbacks, irritability, fear, and other issues when triggered by reminders of the event. If you can identify those triggers, though, then you can develop strategies to avoid them.

Do you need help coming up with a plan for your future?

If so, then you might want to surround yourself with professionals who can help guide you through the process. While this includes medical and mental health experts, you shouldn’t overlook the value of taking legal action against those who are responsible for your injuries. By doing so, you could recover the compensation you need to pay for the care you deserve. Hopefully this will put you on track to the fullest recovery possible under your set of circumstances.


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